Successful brainstorming session

Saturday 18th May saw the first major brainstorming session by the re-invigorated North Dartmoor Health Initiative at the Ockment Centre in Okehampton which has been campaigning to save the Wards at Okehampton Hospital.

The session was not an open Coffee Morning attended by the public at large but by invitation only. Jan Goffey, who is the acting coordinator for the informal NDHI activity, reports that it was a very successful meeting, in that over a third of the people invited actually came (and quite a few more sent apologies as they were on holiday or working etc.).


The advertised purpose of the morning session, was to establish if there was sufficient interest and support for converting NDHI into a formal Group that would act as a pressure group or lobbying organisation for all matters related to health in the area. As a result of the morning session, Jan is now confident that NDHI now has a  working or initiating Committee with a range of ages and skills, plus advisors with specialist skills to complement the Committee as and when needed.


As well as identifying volunteers for the Committee, 4 new people signed up as practical helpers. "Always good to have!". Jan commented. Jan went on to state. "Loads of ideas for fundraising were handed in for both large and small scale activities, plus a plethora of ideas for the Committee to discuss and decide upon". They also have a White Paper prepared by Mark Richards to read and discuss and another proposal of actions to go forward from another member of the group. So there is plenty to be going on with!


The date of the first Committee Meeting will be decided upon by the initiating Committee and that is when the Group will start the process of agreeing Aims and Objectives to be enshrined in a Constitution. Specific roles and future plans will need to be discussed and it is most likely that the Group will adopt a dual pronged approach. Hitherto, NDHI has just considered itself as a pressure group but it may also want to take a more active part in initiating means and methods of ensuring that the Hospital building fulfills the health needs of our community within a wider remit.


Jan remarked. "All in all, a very satisfactory morning session, with thanks to those who came and those who supported the event with their donations, both financial and in kind".

Author: Editor, Okehampton.Org

Date published: 19-May-2024

In category: Health and Welfare

Comments Id: 21
