Hedgehog Champion

Thanks to James McGahey, Parkkeeper for OTC, Simmons Park is not only a beautiful recreational space but also a wildlife haven.

Thanks to James McGahey (Park Keeper and Hedgehog Champion) Simmons Park is not only a beautiful recreational space but also a wildlife haven. James has allowed areas to rewild alongside the formal planting areas and in doing so has created a wild life habitat attracting insect life, the hugely important pollinators and of course Britains favourite mammal - the hedgehog.

With James’s help Greatfield Hedgehog Rescue were delighted to release two large males a few nights ago into the park. Roger who has recovered from a head injury after being treated at North Park Vets North Tawton, has spent several weeks at the rescue. He was also suffering from  lung worm - a parasite that causes death if not dealt with. The second hedgehog - Danny, the victim of a Labrador dog attack, suffered puncture wound injuries and had areas of skin ripped off so again had been at the rescue for many weeks receiving necessary painkillers, antibiotics and of course his wounds were treated and cared for several times a day. 

James was well prepared for the new comers. Feeding stations for support feeding and shallow bowls of water were placed near each hedgehog house. Thank you James for all that you are doing for wildlife - especially hedgehogs.

Author: Editor, Okehampton.Org

Date published: 10-May-2024

In category: Environment

Comments Id: 18
